As the demand for electric vehicles continues to grow rapidly, there is an increasing need for EV batteries.
as ~ 함에 따라, continues to grow -> grows로 줄여서 할 수도 있습니다.
grow 대신에 increase 또는 grow rapidly 대신에 accelerates를 쓸 수 있고,
매출이나 시장 등이 늘어난다라고 표현할 때 grow, increase 등을 쓸 수 있고 급격히 늘어난다는 rapid나 accelerates를 쓰면 됩니다.
there is an increasing need for EV batteries. 대신에 so does the need for EV batteries도 가능.
The batteries are a crucial component of electric vehicles as they provide the necessary power to propel the vehicle and store energy for driving range.
무엇이 매우 중요한 구성요소입니다. 표현은
A is (or are) a crucial component of B as C.
C이기 때문에 A는 B의 중요한 요소입니다.
The rising popularity of EVs can be attributed to several factors such as advancements in battery technology, environmental concerns, government incentives, and increased consumer awareness.
A can be attributed to several factors such as ~.
A는 ~와 같은 여러가지 요소에 의해 기인합니다.
As more people choose electric vehicles as their preferred mode of transportation, the demand for EV batteries has surged.
surge -> 앞의 accelerate와 비슷.
increase rapidly, grow rapidly
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